CLJ’s Dr. Beth Richie featured on The Strategist’s “The Best Books on the American Prison System, According to Experts” for Her Book “Arrested Justice”

"Along with calling for an end to police brutality, recent protests following the murder of George Floyd have brought attention to another national crisis that disproportionately affects people of color: mass incarceration. According to the Prison Policy Initiative, 2.3 million people (or 20 percent of the world’s prison population) are incarcerated in the United States, and while Black people make up only 13 percent of the U.S. population, 40 percent of prisoners are Black. Millions more are on probation or parole, facing restrictions on housing, employment, and, in many states, the right to vote....

Both Gross and Haley recommend Arrested Justice, an exploration of how, as Gross puts it, “bad policies and a racist justice system together with issues such as intimate partner violence, sexual molestation, and poverty collide to land Black women in prison at an alarmingly disproportionate rate.” In the book, Richie details the deeply entrenched racist and misogynist systems that punish Black women both in and outside of prison walls. “It is necessary reading for anyone who wants to understand how reform can entrench violence, for those seeking greater understanding of the relationship between gender and racial oppression in carceral expansion, who want insight into intersectional modes of marginalization, and who value the care that writers such as Richie take with the stories of marginalized people,” says Haley." - The Strategist

Read the full article at The Strategist.