Amie M. Schuck, PhD
CLJ Faculty, Department Head
Associate Professor
Criminology, Law, and Justice
Building & Room:
4022A BSB
1007 W Harrison St.
Office Phone:
Dr. Schuck is a leading expert on child abuse, police-community interaction, technology and comprehensive community initiatives. She was Co-Principal Investigator on the National Police Research Platform, where she focused her attention on a longitudinal study of new police officers and a randomized control trial on police education and training.
Selected Publications
- Schuck, A.M., Rosenbaum, D.P., & Hawkins, D.F. (2008). The influence of race/ethnicity, social class and neighborhood context on residents’ attitudes toward the police. Police Quarterly, 11(4), 496-519.
PhD, The University at Albany (SUNY), New York
Selected Presentations
- Roehl, J, Rosenbaum, D.P., Costello, S. K., Coldren, J.R., Schuck, A.M., Kunard, L., Forde, D.R. (2008). Paving the Way for Project Safe Neighborhoods. SACSI in 10 Cities. NIJ Research in Brief. National Institute of Justice. Washington, DC.
- Winokur, K., Blankenship, J. Cass, E., Hand, G. & Schuck A.M. (2002). Department of Juvenile Justice’s Program Accountability Measures: The 2002 PAM Report. Tallahassee, FL: The Justice Research Center.