Torey Cohen-Boseman
PhD Student
Criminology, Law, and Justice
Building & Room:
BSB 4076C
Torey Cohen-Boseman is a 5th year Ph.D. student in the liberal arts and sciences department studying Criminology, Law, & Justice with a concentration on Violence Studies. His research focuses on the impact of Restorative Justice within IL’s Juvenile Justice System and the School to Prison Pipeline. He is currently working with the State of Illinois’s Ombudsman office as the Restorative Justice and Community Outreach Manager, alongside with the Department of Juvenile Justice. Within his role, Torey is an advocate for youth while they are in DJJ custody, implements and monitors restorative practices within facilities in IL and assists youth with re-entry as the are released from state custody. While getting close to finishing his degree, he continues to fight in removing DJJ in IL and replacing their traditional practices with restorative justice for the betterment of all communities and youth.