Edna Erez, LLB, PhD
CLJ Faculty
Criminology, Law, and Justice
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Professor Erez has a law degree (LL.B.) from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and MA in Criminology and PhD in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. She received over two million dollars in state and federal grants in the U.S. and overseas to study victims in the criminal justice system, the use of technology in criminal justice, and terrorism related topics. Dr. Erez was a visiting professor or research fellow in universities and research centers in Australia, Germany, Poland, India, and Israel. Her publication record includes over 100 articles, book chapters and research reports. She is past editor of Justice Quarterly, Co-editor of the International Review of Victimology, and Co-Chief Editor of Oxford’s International Criminology. She also serves on editorial boards of several scholarly journals in criminology/criminal justice and legal studies. Professor Erez's current research interests include victim participation in and input into justice proceedings, violence against women including migrant women and women in mixed relationships, and various aspects of terrorism.
Selected Publications
- Erez, E and Laster K (eds.) (2000). Domestic Violence: Global Perspectives, London: AB Publications.
- Erez, E., Kilchling, M. and Wemmers J (eds.) (2011). Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Victim Participation in Justice: International Perspectives, Carolina Academic Press.
- Erez, E. and Ibarra, P. R. (eds.) (2022). International Criminology, Volumes 1 and 2. Oxford University Press.
- Edna Erez (1999). Who is afraid of the big bad victim: Victim impact statements as victim empowerment and enhancement of justice. Criminal Law Review, (July): 545-556.
- Edna Erez and Peter R. Ibarra (2007). Making your home a shelter: Electronic monitoring and victim re-entry in domestic violence cases. British Journal of Criminology, 47(1):100-120.
- Edna Erez, Madelaine Adelman and Carol Gregory (2009). Intersections of immigration and domestic violence: Voices of battered immigrant women. Feminist Criminology, 4(1): 32-56.
- Paul G. Cassell and Edna Erez (2011). Victim Impact Statements and Ancillary Harm: The American Perspective. Canadian Law Review, 15(2): 150-204.
- Kathy Laster and Edna Erez (2015). Sisters in terrorism? Exploding stereotypes. Women & Criminal Justice, 25 (1/2): 83-99.
- Julie Globokar and Edna Erez (2019). Conscience and convenience: American victim work in organizational context. International Review of Victimology, 25 (3): 341–357.
- Edna Erez, Jize Jiang, and Kathy Laster (2020). From Cinderella to Consumer: How crime victims can go to the ball. Victimology: Research, Policy, and Activism, P. Davis and J. Tapley (Eds). London: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Kathy Laster and Edna Erez (2021). Gender and Terrorism. Theories of Terrorism: Contemporary Perspectives (Advances in Criminological Theory), Vol. 30, New York: Routledge.
- Edna Erez, Revital Sela-Shayovitz, and Peter R. Ibarra (2022). Patriarchy, Political Enmity, and Domestic Violence: Exploring Abusive Mixed Intimate Partnerships in a Conflict Zone. International Review of Victimology, 28(3), 305-329.
- Peter Ibarra, Oren M. Gur, and Edna Erez (2023). Mismatches and Criminal Justice Policy: The Case of GPS for Domestic Violence. Criminology & Criminal Justice, OnlineFirst at https://doi.org/10.1177/17488958231159364
- Heidi Ellis, Edna Erez, John Horgan, Gary LaFree, and Ramón Spaaij (2024). Comparing Terrorism to Mass Shootings, Gang Activities, Human Trafficking, and Lone Actor Attacks. NIJ Journal Vol 285, at https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/comparing-violent-extremism-and-terrorism-other-forms-targeted-violence
- Mia Bloom and Edna Erez (2024) When Sexually Assaulted Women are not Believed: “Ideal Victims” and Political Relativity in the October 7 Hamas Attack. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1–23, at https://doi.org/10.1080/1057610X.2024.2354955
- Paul G. Cassell and Edna Erez (2024). How Victim Impact Statements Promote Justice: evidence from the content of statements delivered in Larry Nassar’s sentencing. Marquette Law Review, 107(4), 861-962
LL.B. Hebrew University of Jerusalem
M.A. Criminology, University of Pennsylvania
Ph. D. University of Pennsylvania
Post-Doctoral Studies, University of Southern California