Katherine Eames
PhD Student
Criminology, Law, and Justice
Building & Room:
BSB 4076A
Katherine has a background in continental philosophy, politics, and American studies and brings this interdisciplinary approach to her current work. She is primarily focused on critical theories of policing. Starting from an expansive concept of police power as articulated by scholars in radical police studies, policing is understood as technologies of control, the very purpose of which is the (re)creation and maintenance of inequitable difference. Katherine draws on marxist theory, feminist theory, biopolitical theory, intersectional theory and beyond to further explore the origins and ends of police power, both historically and in its current US manifestations. From this foundation, her current research interests include: the spatialization of labor and of differences through policing; the relation between warfare and police power; the (re)entanglement of police with medical and social welfare provision; social reproduction theory; the interconnection of sexual difference and policing; the policing of reproduction and reproductive labor, and; the history and development of vagrancy criminalization and its gendered aspects.
M.A. Modern European Philosophy, CRMEP, Kingston University UK
B.A. Politics and American Studies, University of Nottingham UK