Hannan Latif
PhD Student
Criminology, Law, and Justice
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Building & Room:
BSB 4076B
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Research Interests: Intersection of gender and religion in crime, LGBTQIA+ victimization, Queer criminology, Mixed-methods
Current Research Work:
- Priming an Immigrant Threat: Variation in Local Media Coverage, 2003-2019: This project uses a novel dataset of television broadcasts from every U.S. media market between 2003 and 2019 to assess the geographic patterning of local news coverage of immigration and crime over this period. By examining the relationship between local news coverage and varied policy responses to immigration enforcement, this study will elucidate the relationship between local television news coverage and important contexts of immigrant reception. Check it out at https://cuppa.uic.edu/apre-lab/apre-ongoing-research/#immigration
- Trans Victimization, Coping and Interaction with Criminal Justice System Experiences in a Pakistani Sample: This research project aims to explore the multifaceted experiences of transgender individuals in Pakistan who have encountered victimization and their subsequent interactions with the criminal justice system. Transgender communities in Pakistan have long endured systemic discrimination, violence, and marginalization. This study seeks to shed light on the coping strategies employed by transgender individuals when facing victimization and their perceptions of the criminal justice system's responsiveness to their needs and concerns. Utilizing semi-structured interviews, the lived experiences of transgender individuals will be the focus, particularly their encounters with victimization, their coping mechanisms, and their interactions with the criminal justice system.
Selected Publications
Latif, H., Timmer, A., Tessler, H., Iesue, L., & Jawaid, A. (2024). Unmasking the Pandemic’s Dark Side: Exploring the Roles of Stress, Emotions, and Alcohol Use in Violent Behavior Across Six Countries. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/0306624X241288967
Assisted in data analysis for: Chicago Torture Justice Center. (2023). Illinois Murder Registry Impact Report. In Chicago Torture Justice Center. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5f5049bc1ecc347fd89a06d3/t/6536c228ce1d1d02f98e5751/1698087485043/IL+Murder+Registry+Impact+Report.pdf
Latif, H., Ahmad, S., & Akmal, M. (2020). Neurological injuries and their medicolegal aspects as a result of criminal and non-criminal acts in a Pakistani sample. Forensic Science International: Reports, 2(100143). Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsir.2020.100143
Latif, H. (2020). The need for novel biometric-based systems such as tongue identification. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 10(1). SpringerOpen. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41935-020-00213-3
Notable Honors
2018, Global Initiatives Fellowship Award: Merit based award worth $20,000, George Washington University
Ph.D. Criminology, Law, and Justice, 2021 - Ongoing, UIC (USA)
M.A. Criminology, Law, and Justice, 2021 - 2024, UIC (USA)
M.Sc. Forensic Medical Sciences, 2018 - 2019, QMUL (UK)
B.S. Biology, 2014 - 2018, LUMS (Pakistan)