Ashley Muchow, PhD
CLJ Faculty
Criminology, Law, and Justice
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
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4014B BSB
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Assistant Professor
Dr. Muchow’s research focuses on the causes and consequences of social inequality and the role of policy in alleviating or aggravating these disparities. Her work follows three overarching lines of inquiry.
The first examines how the modern leveraging of the criminal justice system to control immigration influences criminal justice practice and the welfare of minority communities. Her scholarship has demonstrated a chilling effect of immigration enforcement on community-police engagement and, in ongoing projects, she is exploring the impact of local immigrant detention on Latinx criminal justice contact and how news media shapes punitive local policy responses to immigration in the U.S.
A second line of inquiry considers the antecedents and impacts of educational and health inequity. Her work has demonstrated the life-saving benefits of early social distancing policies during the COVID-19 pandemic and is undertaking a project that explores whether free community college programs reduce ethnoracial gaps in educational attainment.
Her third area of research centers around policing. Her scholarship in this area has assessed the impact of community policing initiatives on violent crime and Latinx crime reporting in Los Angeles and her most recent collaborative project sheds light on how the fatal police shooting of Laquan McDonald affected policing practice in Chicago. In ongoing work, she is examining how the 2012 closure of half of Chicago’s public mental health clinics affected rates of criminal justice contact in the city.
Muchow’s research has received support from the Russell Sage Foundation, the Horowitz Foundation, the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation, as well as UIC’s Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy and Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. She received her PhD in Policy Analysis from the Pardee RAND Graduate School in 2019 and her BA in Economics and Finance from Loyola University Chicago.
Selected Publications
Muchow, A. N., McCarty, W. P., Burke, P., and R. Moreno. (2023). Depolicing in Chicago: Assessing the quantity and quality of policing after the fatal police shooting of Laquan McDonald. Justice Quarterly.
Muchow, A. N. (2023). Community-oriented policing and violent crime: Evidence from the Los Angeles Community Safety Partnership. Police Quarterly.
Muchow, A. N. (2022). Can community policing reduce the chilling effect of immigration enforcement on Latinx crime reporting? Evidence from Los Angeles. Crime & Delinquency.
Muchow, A. N. and R. Bozick. (2022). Exploring the role of legal status and neighborhood social capital on immigrant economic integration in Los Angeles. Demographic Research, 46: 1-36.
Muchow, A. N. and C. Amuedo-Dorantes. (2020). Immigration enforcement awareness and community engagement with police: Evidence from domestic violence calls in Los Angeles. Journal of Urban Economics, 117.
Amuedo-Dorantes, C., Kaushal, N., and A. N. Muchow. (2021). Timing of social distancing policies and COVID-19 mortality: County-level evidence from the U.S. Journal of Population Economics.