Peter Ibarra, PhD
CLJ Faculty
Criminology, Law, and Justice
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4056A BSB
1007 W Harrison St.
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Associate Professor
Dr. Ibarra received his PhD in Sociology from the University of California at Santa Cruz. His graduate areas of concentration were in the sociology of deviance and social problems, popular culture, and social theory. As a Postdoctoral Fellow in UCLA’s Department of Sociology he developed expertise in the practice of qualitative methods, with particular emphasis on ethnographic fieldwork, conducting research with immigrant communities. While at UCLA he also developed pedagogical strategies for teaching the use of immersive fieldwork methods to undergraduates. At UIC he teaches courses on qualitative research methods; criminological theory; race, class, gender, and the law; and (beginning Spring 2020) Surveillance and Society. In addition to remaining active in the area of social constructionist theory, Dr. Ibarra’s research focuses on social processes that undergird meaning construction as they relate to the social organization of surveillance; how victims and offenders make sense of their experience; victim-centric initiatives; the social construction of danger and vulnerability; urban ethnography; and relations marginalized communities have to systems of social control. He has been the recipient of state and federal research grants, and his publications have been translated into Russian, Japanese, Italian, and Hebrew.
Selected Publications
2019. “Five ways to improve constructionist craft in social problems inquiries: Notes from an apprenticeship.” The American Sociologist. 50 (2): 195-203.
2018. “Social Constructionism.” In The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems, edited by Javier Trevino. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (With Michael Adorjan). Pp. 279-300.
2014. “Surveillance as casework: Supervising domestic violence defendants with GPS technology.” Crime, Law and Social Change. 62 (4): 417-444. DOI: 10.1007/s10611-014-9536-4 (With Oren M. Gur and Edna Erez)
2014. “Outsiders inside: Victim management in an era of participatory reforms.” International Review of Victimology. 20 (1): 169-188. (With Edna Erez and Julie Globokar)
2009. “Social Problems as Problematic Sociality.” The American Sociologist 40 (1-2): 79-88.
PhD University of California at Santa Cruz