“Each year, celebrating the achievements of our social work graduates is a joyful and momentous occasion. In 2020, we continue this spirited tradition through a virtual event to be held Sunday, June 14…
“… unlike the healthcare professionals working in hospitals and other medical facilities, incarcerated healthcare workers are laboring under conditions of extreme coercion, risk, and absent even marginal pay or public recognition.” Read the full story at Medium.com
Congratulations to Kayla Martensen on the new and timely article, “Review of Carceral State Studies and Application” in Sociology Compass (https://buff.ly/3h8K3Eo) and to Alex Davis who has accepted an offer to join the faculty…
“It’s important to understand Chicago as reflective of the nation in terms of relationships between its black populations and police force,” he said. “The police force has been contracted as a paramilitary containment…
We are proud and thrilled to congratulate our CLJ PhD student award winners for next year: Almethia Franklin won the Dean’s Scholar Fellowship. Presented by the Dean of the Graduate College in recognition…
“Dear Students, Staff, and Faculty, In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an alarming increase in discriminatory incidents directed at Asians and Asian Americans across this country and across the…
More information, as well as a link to RSVP, can be found at the following links: Hofstra University: “Deviant” Pasts, Subversive Futures Decarcerating Disability, Abolishing Gender, and Decolonizing Our Future
“While the May commencement ceremonies have been postponed, we remain eager to celebrate this momentous occasion with our graduates. On May 16, UIC will host virtual ceremonies for individual colleges via MarchingOrder.com. The…