Keith Atterberry
PhD Student
Teaching Assistant
Criminology, Law, and Justice
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BSB 4030D
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Keith Atterberry is an adjunct instructor of criminal justice at Roosevelt University. In addition, Keith is a graduate teaching assistant in the Department of Criminology, Law, and Justice, and a research assistant in the Department of Urban Planning, at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Keith is a 2009 recipient of the Diversifying Higher Education Faculty in Illinois Fellowship. He is currently pursuing a doctor of philosophy degree in criminology, law, and justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Research interests include the investigation of criminal justice problems that advance knowledge about closed-circuit television surveillance, corrections, and youth gangs that lead to the development of evidence-based policies, practices and procedures that promote social justice; facilitate professional policing and corrections; improve criminal justice practitioner decision making; and reduce crime and recidivism.
Selected Publications
Johnson, T. P., Holbrook, A. L., & Atterberry, K. (2014). Challenges in conducting surveys of political extremists. In R. Tourangeau, N. Bates, B. Edwards, T.P. Johnson, & K. Wolter (Eds.), Hard to survey populations. Cary, NC: Cambridge University Press.
Atterberry, K. (2011). [Review of the book Issues and Cases in Law Enforcement: Decisions, Ethics and Judgment, by J.J. Vardalis]. Criminal Justice Review, 36, 518-519. doi:10.1177/0734016811398617