Lisa Frohmann, PhD
CLJ Faculty, Associate Department Head
Criminology, Law, and Justice
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Lisa Frohmann, PhD in Sociology, is an Associate Professor of Criminology, Law and Justice
and a faculty affiliate in the Departments of Sociology and Gender and Women’s Studies.
Dr. Frohmann’s areas of research expertise include gender based violence and state responses to
violence. Using participant photography, her research explores the experiences of violence in the
lives of individuals living in marginalized communities. She is currently working with Native
American women in Chicago, using participant photography to explore their experiences of
violence and resiliency. Other research has included working with men as they navigate release
from prison and immigrant women who experienced interpersonal violence. All these research
projects included community education components that featured participant photo-narratives.
She has also conducted evaluations of the Cook County States Attorney’s Office Domestic
Violence Target Abuser Call program and DCFS Family Conference Model.
Dr. Frohmann teaches courses on qualitative research methods and violence/non-violence and
conflict resolution. Prior to her term as Associate Department Head she held positions as
Department Head, Director of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies. She has been involved on
numerous university committees, including LAS executive committee, Faculty Senate, Office of
Access and Equity mediation team, Graduate College Awards Committee and LAS Executive
Selected Publications
The Framing Safety Project: Photographs and Narratives by Battered Women.@ Violence Against Women. Forthcoming 2005.
Violence Against Women Social Movement and Evaluation@ and AIllinois, A Case Study@ in Stephanie Riger et.al. (Eds) Evaluating Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services. Newbury Park: Sage Press. 2002.
Sexual Assault Case Processing.@ Encyclopedia of Women and Crime. Phoenix: The Oryn Press. 1999.
PhD University of California, Los Angeles
Selected Presentations
- A Photography as Voice: Battered Womens Representations of Safety@ Law and Society Association Annual Meetings. Vancouver, Canada. May 2002.
- "Everyday Survival: Latina Domestic Violence Survivors. Representations of Life on the Safety-Danger Continuum. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Atlanta, Georgia. August 2003.