Grants and Awards

Below you can find details on funding opportunities for conference travel and research projects.

Travel to Conferences Heading link

Presenter and Travel Awards

For students traveling to an academic conference to present their own work, several options exist for funding the trip through a reimbursement. Currently, there are three main ways to fund travel to an academic conference as a graduate student presenter. You may use each source once per academic year:

  • President’s Research in Diversity Travel Award Program (up to $600):
    Intended to support student candidates who will be presenting papers, posters, or creative work at conferences related to issues of diversity or identity. The department must approve participation in the conference and provide a minimum amount of financial support. See the website for details on deadlines, award amounts, and the application procedures.
  • Graduate Student Council Travel Award (up to $275):
    This award is first-come, first-serve. Students can apply during the funding quarter in which the last day of the conference takes place. See the website for rules, “funding quarter” dates, and application procedures.
  • Graduate College Presenter Award (up to $300*):
    Students cannot apply until AFTER they have completed their travelbut must do so before the deadline nearest the completion of their trip. *The $300 award is if a student’s department matches the first $100. See the website for details.

Reimbursement Process:

A reimbursement does not process until after your conference trip. Upon returning from your trip you will be required to submit receipts for all reimbursable expenses during your travel. You will need to do this through the university’s travel and expense management system. For more information go to the Travel and Expense Management website. You may contact the department’s business manager for help with tasks like logging in, creating an expense report, and assigning a proxy.

Research Projects Heading link

Center for Research in Law and Justice

The Center for Research in Law and Justice, within the CLJ department, provides some support for faculty and doctoral students involved in research and publication activities. The awarded amount can be up to $500 dollars if an application is deemed worthy by the Center’s Research Committee. The goal of this initiative is ultimately to strengthen the ability of an applicant to complete planned or ongoing research tasks, prepare articles for publication, complete dissertation-related tasks, or submit proposals for additional funding.


Proposals will be reviewed quarterly and evaluated on the following criteria:

  1. Relevance to the above-stated goal of the funding program
  2. Reasonableness of the budget request.

To be considered for funding, please contact the director of the Center, Professor McCarty, at