
Advising Information Heading link

When should I seek advising?

  • When you are considering declaring a major or minor in CLJ
  • As soon as you formally declare a major or minor in CLJ
  • During the year before you intend to graduate from UIC
  • Any other time you have questions about selecting CLJ courses or your progress in the CLJ program
  • Before applying for Internships (CLJ 395) or Independent Studies (CLJ 399).
  • For more information about transferring to UIC, go to the UIC Office of Transfer Student Assistance
    • Transfer students should contact as prospective students before contacting the CLJ department

Drop-in & Virtual Advising Hours via iAdvise

Advising by Appointment Heading link

Availability: go to the LAS Advising webpage, then scroll down and find Criminology Law and Justice to see the most updated availability for advising.

Schedule Online
: To Schedule an appointment with an advisor,  go to iAdvise, located in the “Advising” tab on

The CLJ Advising Team for CLJ can also be reached by email at:

Kiki Wessel and Alexa Maseth Heading link

Senior Undergraduate Academic Advisors

601 S Morgan St., 807 UH, Illinois